Bamboo Rice – மூங்கில் அரிசி


Bamboo Rice – மூங்கில் அரிசி



Bamboo rice is a small forest product in these regions, with indigenous tribes given collection privileges. This Mulayarisi or moongil arisi serves as both the tribal groups’ primary source of income and their main source of nutrients.

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Bamboo is a grass, and its flower buds reflect those of other grasses such as rice and wheat. Bamboo seeds are also identical in size and form to rice paddy seeds. These are the seedlings of bamboo rice. It is identical to any other rice cultivars, but bamboo rice, or Mulayari as it is identified, has just been found to be highly nutritious.

The nutritious and health value of bamboo rice is very remarkable. It is more healthy to have bamboo rice than the rice from paddy .Seeds used to treat menstrual disorders, respiratory diseases and infections.  Its rich content of proteins controls back pain,joints pain and rheumatic pain.The other medicinal and health benefits are Controls sugar, cholesterol and Blood pressure.Good for Pregnant women to overcome vitamin deficiency

Weight N/A

500g, 1kg